Nuclear Disarmament & Nonproliferation
The Prospect Hill Foundation seeks to further nuclear arms control; reduce the threat of nuclear weapons use; and ultimately abolish nuclear weapons through support for policy analysis, public education, and advocacy. The program supports greater awareness about the humanitarian and environmental consequences of a nuclear explosion; the societal costs of developing and maintaining a nuclear arsenal; and the need to reduce the number of nuclear weapons. In addition, the Foundation will advance nuclear nonproliferation by funding work that encourages and strengthens existing multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements.
Learn more about our recent Nuclear Program grants.
The artwork above was created by Molly and shared here with permission.
Fellowship Program
In the summer of 2020, the Nuclear Program of The Prospect Hill Foundation started a new project with Molly Hurley as its first Nuclear Fellow. The Nuclear Fellowship Program aims to support recent college graduates in their exploration of the nuclear disarmament & nonproliferation field. Specifically, the Foundation’s goal is to provide a platform for young people to express their creativity as activists and deepen their understanding of philanthropy in the movement to abolish nuclear weapons and promote peace and justice.
About Molly
Molly Hurley is a Rice University graduate, the first Nuclear Fellow with The Prospect Hill Foundation and a Wagoner Fellowship recipient. The Wagner Fellowship allows Molly to conduct independent research on the impact of nuclear weapons on society and the role of visual arts in the movement for peace and disarmament. She traveled to Japan in 2021 to continue her research. Molly first got involved in the nuclear activist space as a Future First Fellow with Beyond the Bomb, a grassroots organization and PHF grantee. She continues to volunteer for Beyond the Bomb as a Fellowship Associate.
Fellowship Summary
Molly’s fellowship at The Prospect Hill Foundation will explore the ins and out of philanthropy and the role of visual arts in movement building with regards to denuclearization and nonproliferation. Molly will create new original works of art (drawings, paintings, digital, etc) as part of this fellowship. Her projects also will include meetings with relevant actors in philanthropy, nuclear policy, and advocacy; attending the NPT Review Conference; building partnerships with PHF grantees and other organizations such as The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; and general research on specific topics. Final work culminating from this fellowship may include a final report to be published online as webpage and/or a pdf file, a portfolio of written articles and other published pieces, and presentations such as webinars for nonprofit partners and The Prospect Hill Foundation board of directors.
Questions This Fellowship Will Address
What does it really mean to destroy a community with a nuclear weapon?
What is the human toll for creating, maintaining, and using nuclear weapons?
How can these messages be delivered effectively to the general public?
How can the disarmament movement be integrated within the larger justice movements? What are effective ways to demonstrate the intersectionality of nuclear disarmament, national security, racial oppression, gender equity, the environment, public health, and economic inequality.
What motivates young people to become engaged in nuclear disarmament?
How can art play a role and inspire people to join the movement for peace and disarmament?
How can we secure nuclear policies that emphasize peace and humanitarian security rather than aggressive and antagonistic definitions of “national security?”