2012 Grants
Grants Total: $3,021,700
The University of Rhode Island Foundation for the URI Coastal Resources Center
Narragansett, RI | $50,000
For the Rhode Island Shellfish Management Plan
Natural Resources Defense Council
New York, NY | $35,000
For the New York Atlantic Ocean Protection Initiative
Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Barnstable, MA | $50,000
For the Cape Cod Regional Wastewater Management Plan
Women’s Housing & Economic Development Corporation
Bronx, NY | $7,475
For the Corbin Hill Farm Share project
THE POINT Community Development Corporation
Bronx, NY | $10,000
For the Corbin Hill Farm Share project
The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY | $25,000
For the Geographic Information Systems Laboratory
The Nature Conservancy, Adirondack Chapter
Keene Valley, NY | $35,000
For the Heart of the Adirondacks campaign
The Carrot Project
Somerville, MA | $5,000
For the Greater Berkshire Sustainable Agriculture Fund Third Sector New England
Rhode Island Land Trust Council
Saunderstown, RI | $13,000
For Rhode Island “Land Trust Days”
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